Monday, July 23, 2012

The Dash (1901---2012?)

When we visit a cemetery or memorial site, we often read the inscriptions on the headstones.

 I find it amazing and very interesting to see the huge variation in lifespans that are evident. Most of us like to imagine that the majority of people, would at least get to live 70 or 80 years on the earth, hopefully even into the 90s age bracket.

A few years back I was visiting a beautiful little country burial ground set in the Australian bushland. In fact, this lovely little memorial grove is where some of my family members are interred.
One of the first things that impressed me was the variation in age of the beloved ones who had passed.
Yes some were older (80 plus) others were middle aged (40 or 50) others were young in their 20s. Others were teenagers, Quite a number were small babies.

I have heard it said that on a memorial stone, that we all have a birth year and a death year and in the middle is the dash. For someone it may be 1916--2001, for instance. Consider the fact that this small dash represents ones entire life on this planet. This dash is of paramount importance, Especially to those who are doing their dash, as it were. (which of course is all of us who read this)
This tiny dash is the only thing that matters in the final analysis. Lets value our dash above all else. Someone said---we can make more money but not more time, so time is far more valuable than money.

Are you doing your dash to eternity, if not you have already done your dash or have not started yet and will not be reading this.
Lets do our dash with all our might, lets give it our utmost, lets go for it, because once we have done it we wont be coming this way again. The most important thing anyone will ever do on their dash, is to get to know the One who gave us a dash to begin with.

He is known as Alpha and Omega, The First and the Last, The Beginning and The End. He is also named the Ancient of Days, The Father of Lights, The Eternal Immortal Only Wise God, The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, The Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent Potentate

Of course His Most important Name to us here on earth, is the most misused by men of all, Jesus Christ.
Yes getting to know Life Himself is the ultimate value we can ever have, it guarantees us not just a great time (or dash) but much more importantly a magnificent eternity

Ephesians 1:17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

 I am constantly amazed at how short and risky life on planet Earth is. Many people act as if they will have a long problem free span in this world.

The reality is, that we will all have a short stay here. (even living 100 years is a short blink, by eternal standards)

We would all love to live free of sorrow, worry, lack, illness and difficulty. The only problem with this expectation though, is that it is impossible. Someone once said "Problems are normal". How true.

From the moment we are born (sometimes even before we are born, while still in our mothers womb) we all experience problems. We usually cry at our first breath, somehow knowing we will soon have a problem on the horizon.

Its usually more of a problem if we dont cry at birth because it probably means we are not breathing. Get the idea? "Problems are normal".

The Good News is that the Creator didnt leave us here without a problem solving Helper. In fact, The Helper is one of the names given in Scripture to the Holy Spirit. He comes along side us and within us to offer "Unlimited Means of Invisible Support"

Jesus Himself said " Ask and it shall be given, Seek and you shall find"

The primary solution to our problems, is to ask the Primary Problem Solver into our lives to give us solutions to lifes insoluble problems.

Wow! What a thought. Is God even interested in helping us? Yes indeed! So interested that He sent His Son as a Man to die a cruel death on a tree at Golgotha 2000 years ago. Why?

Because in dying this death he gave His Life, to all who believe that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him from death.

"He who knew no sin became sin for us, that we might become the Righteousness of God in Him" 2 Corinthains 5:21 KJV

What a deal, nothing in the universe comes close to this, this means we dont have to go through endless reincarnations doing Karma Yoga to reach God. All we have to do is believe in the work of His Death and Resurrection and receive Him as Lord and we are guaranteed a great eternity.

In the meantime while here on earth we have the Power of the Holy Spirit to help us solve or overcome lifes sufferings and problems. Awesome Stuff!

Revelation 1:9 New Living translation

I, John, am your brother and your partner in suffering and in God’s Kingdom and in the patient endurance to which Jesus calls us. I was exiled to the island of Patmos for preaching the word of God and for my testimony about Jesus. 10 It was the Lord’s Day, and I was worshiping in the Spirit.[f] Suddenly, I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet blast. 11 It said, “Write in a book[g] everything you see, and send it to the seven churches in the cities of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.”

12 When I turned to see who was speaking to me, I saw seven gold lampstands. 13 And standing in the middle of the lampstands was someone like the Son of Man.[h] He was wearing a long robe with a gold sash across his chest. 14 His head and his hair were white like wool, as white as snow. And his eyes were like flames of fire. 15 His feet were like polished bronze refined in a furnace, and his voice thundered like mighty ocean waves. 16 He held seven stars in his right hand, and a sharp two-edged sword came from his mouth. And his face was like the sun in all its brilliance.

17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as if I were dead. But he laid his right hand on me and said, “Don’t be afraid! I am the First and the Last. 18 I am the living one. I died, but look—I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave.[i]

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Accuser of the believers

The devils job is to discredit and smear the Gospel and its messengers as much as possible. If he cant make it appear downright corrupt, he is content for it to appear, irrelevant and foolish and only interesting to losers, dorks and wowsers.
Today the media trumpets forth the improprieties, scandals and sins of clergymen. To be sure, there are some corrupt and bad ambassadors for Jesus in ministry positions. This in no way denotes that the Message itself or Jesus Himself is wrong or foolish.
One way to analogize it is: If the pipes are rusty and clogged it doesnt mean that the water itself is polluted, it just means that the plumbing carrying the water has issues.
One man prayed, "Lord, help me survive your servants"
We serve a perfect Father in Heaven, who has a perfect Son named Jesus Christ. We are also Helped and empowered by a perfect and awesome Holy Spirit.
The church are Gods ambassadors on the earth, the catch is that God has decided to use imperfect and sometimes very foolish vessels to carry His Living Water to a dying and thirsty world.
It would be great if God had perfect ministers to do His work, the only problem is that the whole human race is fallen and broken and imperfect.
One man once said" If you ever find the perfect church dont join it because it would then be imperfect".
So we must realize that God often uses wounded healers and also sometimes bound liberators. Of course, if a minister acts on the Word he preaches it will work for him as surely as it has Supernatural impact to others he ministers to.
The Word always works for those who will work with it.

Great Joy and some Suffering

Life is full of Great Joy and sufferings and trials. This is normal. Jesus Christ never promised his disciples a bed of roses. On the other hand you may receive the metaphoric equivalent of a bed of roses from time to time on your sojourn through life, but not continually. There will be storms, as Jesus said.
One should always be aware that wherever there are roses there are nearly always thorns that come with the package.
We love the beauty of the rose and the fragrance too. The rose is a depiction of the life we are offered in Christ. It is a life full of beauty and aromatic joy, but oftentimes we overlook that it is also a life of suffering and pain.
There is joy and life that results from allowing the old adamic life of sin and selfishness to be crucified with Christ. This means though that we will experience the pain of allowing our old desires from the natural adamic man to be mortified. The Amplied version of the Bible expands the meaning of the word mortify as "to deaden and deprive the fleshly nature of its lusts that lurk within"

Colossians 3:5

Amplified Bible (AMP)
5 So kill (deaden, deprive of power) the evil desire lurking in your members [those animal impulses and all that is earthly in you that is employed in sin]:

Many today, when they read a Scripture like the above, will limit its application strictly to the sexual realm. In fact this is far from the truth, evil desires and animal impulses etc have a far wider spectrum than unbiblical sexual practices. Sex, in its context in a loving marriage, is the greatest gift given to a couple to exhilarate and enjoy. Sex is beautiful, healing, satisfying and inspiring--a magnificent gift when used according to the Givers instructions.
Of course when used recklessly it becomes a destructive force, in much the same way that any power can be misused (such as electricity, petroleum, water pressure, money etc)
The deadening and depriving spoken of in the above Scripture is the work of The Spirit in the believers life. It means yes, we must use our will to obey God and his guidance but it does not mean he leaves us to our own limited strength or power. Rather it means he will supply the Power of His Resurrection Life to set us free from the forces at work to bring us into bondage.
It is our Will (submitted to His Will) and His Power to accomplish what we cant (in our own strength or natural willpower)
Th e word lust loosely translated means "strong desire". There are many strong desires that can get us into trouble. Look at a list of the so called 7 deadly sins ( sexual lust is but one)
Pride, envy, gluttony, lust, greed, wrath, sloth.
All of these are desires that get out of hand and choke the Life of God from developing, much like weeds choke the good plants or fruits in a garden.
It is interesting to note that pride heads up the list of sins. Pride is the root of all other sin and can be the hardest to discern in ourselves. Lucifer didnt get kicked out of Heaven for running off with one of the angels, His unparelled pride resulted in a terrible destiny for him. ( see Isaiah 14:12-14)
So let us go on to spiritual maturity in Christ, with Gods help we can root out the weeds of destructive desires and grow the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our life instead.
These fruits are:

Galatians 5:22

King James Version (KJV)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Gods promise is that we will have life and health and peace for ever, so its worth paying the price in the short term for such a wonderful blessing that never runs out.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"God’s foolishness” is wiser than men

The devils job is to discredit and smear the Gospel and its messengers as much as possible. If he cant make it appear downright corrupt, he is content for it to appear, irrelevant and foolish and only interesting to losers, dorks and wowsers.
Today the media trumpets forth the improprieties, scandals and sins of clergymen. To be sure, there are corrupt and bad ambassadors for Jesus in ministry positions. This in no way denotes that the Message itself or Jesus Himself is wrong or foolish.
One way to analogize it is: If the pipes are rusty and clogged it doesnt mean that the water itself is polluted, it just means that the plumbing carrying the water has issues.
One man prayed, "Lord, help me survive your servants"
We serve a perfect Father in Heaven, who has a perfect Son named Jesus Christ. We are also Helped and empowered by a perfect and awesome Holy Spirit.
The church are Gods ambassadors on the earth, the catch is that God has decided to use imperfect and sometimes very foolish vessels to carry His Living Water to a dying and thirsty world.
It would be great if God had perfect ministers to do His work, the only problem is that the whole human race is fallen and broken and imperfect.
One man once said" If you ever find the perfect church dont join it because it would then be imperfect".

1Corinthians 1:18 The preaching of the cross is, I know, nonsense to those who are involved in this dying world, but to us who are being saved from that death it is nothing less than the power of God.
19 It is written: ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent’.

20-25 For consider, what have the philosopher, the writer and the critic of this world to show for all their wisdom? Has not God made the wisdom of this world look foolish? for it was after the world in its wisdom failed to know God, that he in his wisdom chose to save all who would believe by the “simple-mindedness” of the Gospel message. For the Jews ask for miraculous proofs and the Greeks an intellectual panacea, but all we preach is Christ crucified—a stumbling block to the Jews and sheer nonsense to the Gentiles, but for those who are called, whether Jews or Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. And this is really only natural, for God’s foolishness” is wiser than men, and his “weakness” is stronger than men.

Nor are God’s values the same as man’s
26-31 For look at your own calling as Christians, my brothers. You don’t see among you many of the wise (according to this world’s judgment) nor many of the ruling class, nor many from the noblest families. But God has chosen what the world calls foolish to shame the wise; he has chosen what the world calls weak to shame the strong. He has chosen things of little strength and small repute, yes and even things which have no real existence to explode the pretensions of the things that are—that no man may boast in the presence of God. Yet from this same God you have received your standing in Jesus Christ, and he has become for us the true wisdom, a matter, in practice, of being made righteous and holy, in fact, of being redeemed. And this makes us see the truth of scripture: ‘He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Scared New World or Jesus

Back in the mid 2oth century a book named "Brave New World" by author Aldous Huxley became one of the standard bearers of a new generation in the West.
It basically talked of world in the 21st century where society had embraced a very different new set of mores and ideals. This resulted in sexual promiscuity and a lessening of the value of the individual human and family. It was a world submerged and moulded by unfamiliar (at that time) values. It was regarded as one of the most important literary works of the 20th Century in many circles.

Sad to say, though, it seems we are now living in 2012 in a Brave New World of post Christian values. It seems that the western world has by and large rejected and disowned its awesome Judeo/Christian heritage that shaped the increase of England, Europe and in more recent times the United States.

The nations that have a Judeo/Christian heritage have a wonderful history of world leadership in the development of medicine, hospitals, schools and education. (Inventions too)

It is no accident either that these same cultures and nations have been exceedingly blessed and prospered in tangible ways such as economic prosperity and living standards. The statistics of increase and wealth and well being are stunning to read about when it comes to western nations in recent centuries.

For example, I read in a book penned by one of the worlds current leading authors, that the USA in the 1950s had 80% of the worlds electrical goods, controlled almost 70% of the worlds production, produced close to half the worlds electricity and way over half of the worlds oil and steel.

America at that time had only around 5% of the world population yet had more wealth than the other 95%. During this time, America was also very strong in Christian faith, by and large. (Judeo belief was also well represented)

Back in the 1800s a foreign sociologist visiting America was thought to have written this well known quote concerning America. Whoever wrote this, it is an interesting assessment.

"In the end, the state of the Union comes down to the character of the people. I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there. In the fertile fields and boundless prairies, and it was not there. In her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits, aflame with righteousness, did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

Note: It is interesting to see that China is now about 10% Christian, many link her recent Christian revival amongst business people and workers to her current econonomic rise out of the oppressive poverty of last century etc. (Of course China has in earlier history always had a great work and study ethic for thousands of years)

In todays world, adherence to a particular faith, is often seen as a social evil. Instead we are all urged to embrace interfaithism and believe all religious teaching from all cultures. Of course, we should all respect,love and forgive each other , regardless of our religious or spiritual beliefs. This does not mean though that we should disown our faith and beliefs in favour of a blend of all other beliefs so we might have unity based on absolute compromise of religion and invent our own brand of interfaith unity.

I have noticed in recent decades that people in western cultures are increasingly celebrating the religions of other nations and cultures and denying the validity and even villifying their own heritages. ( this is perticularly true of those with a Christian heritage)

The Message of Jesus and His Death on the Cross is unpopular and even offensive to many today, but the reality is that it is still the only guaranteed Way to have all ones sins forgiven and have a genuine assurance of a home in an Eternal Heaven.
As an old Gospel singer from the late 60s sang

"Why dont you look into Jesus--He is the Answer!"

John 15
JB phillips version--Words of Jesus

I am the vine itself, you are the branches. It is the man who shares my life and whose life I share who proves fruitful. For the plain fact is that apart from me you can do nothing at all. The man who does not share my life is like a branch that is broken off and withers away. He becomes just like the dry sticks that men pick up and use for the firewood. But if you live your life in me, and my words live in your hearts, you can ask for whatever you like and it will come true for you. This is how my Father will be glorified—in your becoming fruitful and being my disciples.

9-15 “I have loved you just as the Father has loved me. You must go on living in my love. If you keep my commandments you will live in my love just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and live in his love. I have told you this so that you can share my joy, and that your happiness may be complete. This is my commandment: that you love each other as I have loved you. There is no greater love than this—that a man should lay down his life for his friends.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Jesus Our Ultimate Defence Attorney/He paid our Fee

He's there from now to eternity to save everyone who comes to God through him, always on the job to speak up for them.

It is awesome to know that God has provided the Ultimate Covenant relationship for us to enjoy with Him. Most native tribes have blood covenants (or blood brotherhood). There is something about blood that seals a relationship in the ultimate bond of integrity and trust.

Most of us have heard the old expression "Blood is thicker than water" This meant to signify that familial ties are much stronger than non familial friendships. We all love our good friends and at times we even like and enjoy our friends more than our blood relatives. But when "push comes to shove", as it were, our blood ties with our close family relatives will supercede even our best friendships and social relatives. This is true even if a family member is not even enjoyable to associate with. The recognition of shared blood and genealogy trumps other factors like shared interests and sense of humour.

This is why we feel we need to be there for our families even when we are irritated by them at times. This is what the saying "blood is thicker than water" means. Ancient tribes have cut the blood covenant with each other for thousands of years. A tribe that is strong econonomically may cut a covenant with one that is strong in military matters. This way they share each others strengths and cover one anothers weaknesses. This means they may make an incision on their arms and mingle each others blood to display blood ties and cohesion in the face of a mutual enemy or problem.

God Himself is the originator of the Blood Covenant in the human family. Marriage is the Ultimate Blood Covenant in earthly relationships. In this case the shedding and mingling of blood etc takes place in the awesome bonding of spiritual, mental, emotional and sexual intercourse. The breaking of the female hymen on the wedding night was the evidence of the Blood Covenant between man and wife on the marriage bed sheet. In ancient Israeli culture (and many others) this was a time of great joy and celebration when the family and wedding guests saw the evidence of the covenant on the sheet that was shown to the crowd outside the bridal chamber.

Of course in our modern dating culture the shedding of the blood is rarely seen on a wedding night as most people lose their virginity (male or female) long before the wedding night. Nevertheless, even without the attending physical evidence a true marriage celebrated before God is still seen in Gods eyes as a Blood Covenant that binds a man and woman in fidelity and self sacrificing love until death.

Now we come to the Spiritual side of Covenant between God and man. Under the old testament there was the Abrahamic covenant (male circumcision was the token of the covenant) There is much to say on this subject, but we will save it for another article. This was a blood covenant that gave man at that time access to God like never before. I will now move on to the New Covenant or New Testament, this is the ultimate covenant and can never be changed or improved on. In this Covenant God Himself becomes a Man and allows His own being to be mutilated beyond description as a self sacrifice for all of mankinds sin so that we can have the Ultimate relationship with God forever.

This involved the Precious Blood of Christ to be shed to inaugaurate the Everlasting Covenant. This means we gave our sin to Him on the Cross and He gave His Righteousness to us based not on what we did, but on what He did. This is why its His Righteousness! Its not our good works but His Finished Work forever, that seals our covenant and guarantees Heaven for all who have Faith in Jesus and His work on the Cross (The Cross involved His Death, Burial, Resurrection and Ascension.)

The Mediator’s Death Necessary

Hebrews 9:16 For where there is a testament, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. 17 For a testament is in force after men are dead, since it has no power at all while the testator lives. 18 Therefore not even the first covenant was dedicated without blood.

Hebrews9:12 Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. 14 how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? 15 And for this reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant.

Hebrews 7:22 The Message version

God gave his word; he won't take it back: "You're the permanent priest." This makes Jesus the guarantee of a far better way between us and God—one that really works! A new covenant. 23-25Earlier there were a lot of priests, for they died and had to be replaced. But Jesus' priesthood is permanent. He's there from now to eternity to save everyone who comes to God through him, always on the job to speak up for them. 26-28So now we have a high priest who perfectly fits our needs: completely holy, uncompromised by sin, with authority extending as high as God's presence in heaven itself.
Unlike the other high priests, he doesn't have to offer sacrifices for his own sins every day before he can get around to us and our sins. He's done it, once and for all: offered up himself as the sacrifice.

Monday, April 23, 2012

the Ultimate Fix

We live in a notoriously "buzz" oriented culture, vast numbers of the populous are desperately searching for a "fix". In drug circles, a fix is often associated with narcotic drug usage.
It denotes the sense of relief and short lived well being that a drug user has when the drug delivers him from the gnawing pain and emptiness of heavy drug withdrawals. Of course this is just a fleeting fix of the problem, as it were.
Sadly, with addiction,the cure is the disease. With every extra "fix" that is received, there is an equal and opposite compounding and escalation of the disease or problem. This creates a vicious cycle which necessitates an even increased dosage of the substance to "fix". This tyrannous addictive cycle keeps ramping up and becoming something like an all consuming conflagration that overtakes all of the dependents waking hours.
Of course, this cycle is not limited to drug or alcohol addiction but a very similar cycle of destructive desire and appeasement is all too familiar also in the realms of pornography, gambling, promiscuity. Even food addiction is a life threatening problem today. It is common today to see TV shows showing the plight of 300 kilo (600 lb) victims of food induced obesity that has absolutely decimated a victims life.
Some even weigh almost half a ton and are bed ridden and unable to stand and need a staff of handlers to even function. One man had to have the wall of his house removed in order to be taken to hospital, he could not be taken through doorways he was so huge. Cranes were deployed to lift him.
This is all due to a firestorm of addiction in a persons life. It all comes from seeking a "fix" or relief from life's stresses and problems.
Even good legitimate gifts from God like, food, sex, sports, or even work can be deadly when linked to serious addictive tendencies.
The Bible describes the principle of addiction as the "Law of Sin and Death". It also uses the term "sowing to the flesh". The Biblical term "carnal minded" is also used. All of these terms describe the problem of unrestrained attempts to satisfy the heart cry of the human spirit with carnal, fleshly unspiritual things or experiences.

Romans 8:2
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death

Romans 8:6
For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Galatians 6:8
For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.

All of the above verses speak of the miraculous antidote to addictive tendencies that God has graciously prescribed for all who ask for His help to solve impossible problems in every area of life. The Bible term "sin" is an old archery term meaning "to miss the mark". If we are honest ,we can all relate to "missing the mark" in our actions, thoughts or attitudes.
Usually when the word "sin" is used it often evokes a negative religious understanding in many people minds. This is not what Jesus or God intended. Rather it is an understanding of our own imperfection and tendency towards negative and even dangerous habitual cycles that become big problems if the right solution is not found.
When the Bible speaks of all having sinned, it is not intended to condemn or denigrate but that rather we be honest with ourselves and admit our dilemna, whether it be internal or external in expression. God alone has the ultimate free and true solution to mans common problem.
Jesus promises freedom,Love,Joy and Peace to all who come to Him in honest recognition of their situation. He is the true answer. Yes medical science, therapies and all the other wonderful sciences have their place in expediting the healing process. But even when medicine and science fails, there is One Greater than all who asks us to believe and receive His Divine healing, Forgiveness and recreation.

Matthew 11:28
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

2 Corinthians 5:21
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

John 7:38
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.

All of the above verses also speak of the tangible release from fear and addiction that Jesus provides to all who come to Him with a humble desire to be renewed and set free.
Godspeed to all! Never give up hope, God loves even the worst sinners.(mark missers) They often become his best instruments to touch the world with Jesus Love.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Living in the Secret Place.

In the 1980s, I read a book by a Swiss Theologian/Psychiatrist entitled "Looking for a Place". The whole thrust and theme of this book was the revelation that people of all tribes, tongues and kindreds are continually searching for a place of rest, fulfillment, significance, achievement and peace. In other words, people long for a dwelling place they can call home.
Of course this search runs much deeper than just a physical address or geographical location, though this is part of the equation. Many people are continually doing a "Geographical" to coin a term. This is a hope that in a new job, home, state, or country they will find the elusive "place" of destiny , love and significance.
It is described well by the saying "The grass is greener on the other side".
One commentator remarked that " The grass may or may not be greener, but one thing is certain, you will still have to mow it when you get there."
How true this is, we are often deluded into chasing pipe dreams or pots of gold at the end of the rainbow. Often, when we arrive at the imagined location of our, new place, we realize our perceptions are more often a disappointing mirage.
In the Bible-- Abraham, the old Jewish Patriarch and Father of Faith went out looking for " A City whose builder and maker is God". Of course in this case he was not deluded or on a wild goose chase, he was genuinely called by God to leave his home country and find the promised land.
Today people still want to find the "Promised Land" where God Himself is manifested to bless, lead and guide. The only problem is it can not be received on a natural,sensory level. We may be able to settle in a lovely area with good friends and neighbors and have the support of loving family
members but this, while important and wonderful, can never meet the deepest heartcry and yearning of the human spirit.
The Bible teaches that we are created by God and for God. People and things are not enough, we need to dwell in the "Secret Place" of Gods Presence.
Th old Hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness" has a verse that describes it well.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

The book I read called "Looking for a Place" came to the conclusion that man will never find a perfect location here on earth, there will always be a sense of lack and longing here. Its only when we actually arrive in Heaven will we perfectly find what the human heart craves. This is true in the ultimate sense-- but God has made great provision while we live in this world. The Good News is that, we can enter into the very Throne of God by prayer and faith. We can experience the Eternal Blessings of Heaven even in this world of sadness and pain. We can have His Peace in the cruelest of lifes storms.

2 Corinthians16-18 (Message version)

So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There's far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever.