Monday, July 11, 2011


Hello there, Paul Sames here, on the 11th day of July in the year of our Lord 2011!
God is creating a people who will be naturally Supernatural and Supernaturally natural.

Men and women are created in the image of God (Elohim in the original). God is One but he expresses Himself in 3 persons, God the Father, God the Son and Holy Spirit. This is something we accept by faith as it is beyond comprehension to the natural understanding how One Supreme Being can be expressed through 3 distinct persons.
We are like God also in that while we also are one person we have 3 separate areas of expressions, i.e. spirit, soul and body.
Many of us have heard that we are a spirit, we have a soul (mind, will, emotions) and we live in a body.

In todays world there is such emphasis on the mental and emotional (soul) or the appearance and health of our physical beings that the true spirit man is neglected.
In reality, the spirit is truly the number one priority in Gods order of importance. This is because the spirit of man lives forever, this is why our spirit health is so vital. Jesus said "Ye must be born again". Of course he didnt mean to be born again physically, it is a spiritual rebirth.
The Bible teaches that we are spiritually dead (without Gods life) until we come into faith of the Resurrection of Jesus and call Him Lord. When we truly believe in the Biblical Jesus and eneter into relationship with him we are spiritually regenerated and become a brand new person on the inside.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 cor 5:17 KJV

Becoming a new creature or being in Jesus is the greatest miracle known in all of history. We put a lot of emphasis on healing, miracles of provision etc but none of these can hold a candle to the new birth.
The reason for this is the new birth guarantees us an eternity in Heaven with Jesus, what could be more important than that.

These days cosmetic surgery is no longer just for Hollywood and the mega rich. More and more everyday people are getting nipped and tucked or lifted and augmented. In fact it sometimes seems that facelifts etc are the norm for TV preachers. We should thank God for great doctors who help people enjoy their appearance and feel better about life. I am not against this as long as the surgeon does a good job, I have seen some occasional horror jobs (not necessarily on preachers) and some poor people have ended up looking like Lieutenant Worff from Star Trek or Yoda from Star Wars. I would rather look like one of those weird old wrinkly dogs than a space puppet. Choosing a great and gifted surgeon is important from what Ive seen.

The only other problem is when the cosmetic becomes more important than the spiritual. The truly foundational inner recreation and transformation from God should never be put on the backburner in favor of outward appearances offered by gymnasiums and medical science.

Remember, Man looks on the external but God looks on the heart.

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