Monday, December 2, 2013

Techno Tardis coming to a user device near you.

Hello out there in blogland. Todays feeble attempt is yet another sojourn into the realms of literary achievement.
I would like to comment on the amazing complexity and confused interactions of modern life. It seems that the high tech world of personal communication devices, is morphing into yet more overload for the already half fried cerebral circuits of us poor 21st century children.
I pity the underprivileged technophobes, who still have not yet even learned to monitor voice mail on their dinosaur flip phones of the 1990s era.
For these prehistoric ones it is too late to even think about catching the iphone/android/galaxy/5G wave of this scifi like era. They have missed the boat and all they can hope for is that phone landlines, regular TV and snail mail will not go the way of the telegram before they depart this terrestrial ball of technological torture.
At this rate we will all become Dr Who timelords, with our very own tardis devices at our command within another 15 years.
Of course we wont need a telephone box to fly through space and time. We will just peer into our MFDTB (Multi Function Device-Tardis Beamers) and dematerialize and timewarp back to the 1960s for a concert we always wanted to be part of.
Or maybe see how eschatological events transpired, by a quick peek into the 22nd century. (Hopefully we would make it back without radiation sickness or brain damage from the future shock.)
Of course many would probably type or think in the wrong codes and get lost in a time warp virus and never be able to return. They would forever careen through the time tunnel in their souped up tardis hoping to remember their User ID to get back to the mid 21st century and home.
Folks, dont expect me to back up the preceding ramblings with chapter or verse. It is merely my fanciful imaginings of where techno exploits may be heading if they proceed at their current rate of geometric progression.
In reality, technology can be a wonderful gift from God when used correctly in exalting the Gospel of Jesus and Love of God to the worlds population.
Never before in history, has so much access to the whole worlds populace been available to the average person at the touch of an iphone screen. We are all very influential world changers even if we perceive ourselves as obscure and unknown.
So in light of this, lets dedicate ourselves to use this opportunity to broadcast the stupendous message of Jesus and His Awesome work at the Cross of Calvary to the whole world lying at our fingertips. His Love is real towards every person,just like they are the only ones on the planet.
Lets put the foot to the floorboards and go for Godspeed until we finish the race and enter Eternity!

Matthew 24:13-14 (MESSAGE VERSION)
13-14 “Staying with it—that’s what God requires. Stay with it to the end. You won’t be sorry, and you’ll be saved. All during this time, the good news—the Message of the kingdom—will be preached all over the world, a witness staked out in every country. And then the end will come.

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